Tuesday, February 3, 2009

On the Supreme Celebs

Logline: The latest celebrity beauty and health enhancements produce super powered beings, creating villains and heroes of celebrities alike.

Celeb Supremes are the first super heroes to walk their respected universe. They are comprised of famous celebrities: figure skaters, athletes, singers, actors, models, politicians, gymnasts and the like.

Celeb Supremes is a parody of comic books. This one fashions the common archetypes into everyday celebrities.

Nowadays the latest health and beauty enhancements go to the celebrities. There come a day when the latest enhancements are those out of a comic book.

Tom Sides- Singer- Element of sound
Jason Oberlin- Figure skater- speedster
Trish Bennet- Athlete- Heal factor
Austin Layde- Actor- Godlike abilities
Monique Zaia- Model- Telepathy
Ronald Murphy- Politician- Mimic abilities
Amy Garth- Gymnast- Superhuman
Jaime Jaughs- News Anchor- Shine/laser Projectile


  1. Will they fight the common criminal, super villains, other celebrities? This could give a whole new meaning to celebrity feuds.

    What if there were a villains that effect the celebrities career (What effects celebrities lives) in a poor manner like:
    Doctor Age or possibly Father Time
    The Typecaster
    The Bomb
    Papa Razzi

    Maybe the celebrities ban together into a JLA to defeat all these things that ail them and their careers.

    Will this show the ugly side of "celebrity"?

    Will it show they have a "heart of gold"?

    I think this is an interesting concept to explore with all of the "celebreality" shows on tv currently.

  2. I've always felt that carrying a huge cast would be difficult to orchestrate. Never tried it. It feels like a whole other animal.

    Naturally though the book pulls toward a team aspect. A convention would be to take the cast and put them at ends with a greater evil. Also something else I did not consider was using a satirical voice to the book- I like those villians you've proposed, Chris.
